Research and Analysis

The Council is a national leader in challenging the myths and misinformation that too often dominate the political and public debate around immigration.

Most Recent Fact Sheets

Last modified: 
July 1, 2024
Publication Date: 
June 29, 2022
This fact sheet provides an overview of how Temporary Protected Status designations are made, what benefits TPS confers, and how TPS beneficiaries apply for and regularly renew their status.
Last modified: 
June 18, 2024
Publication Date: 
June 18, 2024
President Biden announced a new “parole-in-place” program for undocumented spouses of U.S. citizens. What does it mean, and who will benefit?
Last modified: 
June 5, 2024
Publication Date: 
June 5, 2024
On June 4, the Biden administration issued a presidential proclamation and an Interim Final Rule restricting access to asylum for people crossing into the United States without legal status. The...

Most Recent Special Reports

The Belonging Barometer cover
Last modified: 
June 24, 2024
Publication Date: 
March 7, 2023
Combine harvester harvests ripe wheat
Last modified: 
June 11, 2024
Publication Date: 
June 11, 2024
Our analysis of Department of Labor data reveals significant demand across the country for H-2A workers, foreign nationals for temporary or seasonal agricultural jobs.
Last modified: 
December 8, 2023
Publication Date: 
December 8, 2023
The American Immigration Council had an impactful year in 2023, launching a comprehensive border solutions campaign and actively challenging harmful legislation. This end-of-year report highlights...

Most Recent Advocacy

November 16, 2023
The American Immigration Council and over 100 business organizations, including chambers of commerce and trade associations, want Congress to remove the present obstacle to asylum applicants acquiring work permits swiftly.
October 6, 2020

This document provides a summary of the Department of Homeland Security's September 25, 2020, Proposed Rule, "...

September 15, 2020
This new rule will increase the total number of people who are required to submit biometric data from 3.9 million currently to 6.07 million—an increase of more than 60%.

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